Kidney Care

Caring for Patients with Kidney Disease

Nephrology, a branch of medical science that deals with the kidneys, is an essential service offered at King's Daughters Medical Center (KDMC). As a leading provider of quality health and wellness services, KDMC has a team of board-certified nephrologists who are experts in diagnosing and treating various kidney disorders, ranging from kidney stones to renal disease.


  • In-house dialysis and fluid, electrolyte, and kidney disorders treatment
  • Hypertension care and management
  • Dialysis, acute dialysis, and pre-dialysis education
  • Preventive care and nutrition counseling

Convenient Dialysis Services

Mississippi ranks among the top three states in the nation with the highest number of dialysis patients. This statistic is certainly concerning, as one in nine American adults will be diagnosed with kidney disease. The risk factor is even higher for people with diabetes, high blood pressure, or a family history of kidney disease.

At KDMC, our nephrologists are equipped with the knowledge and skills to provide comprehensive care for patients with kidney disease. In-house dialysis is one of the key services we offer. Dialysis is a life-saving treatment for patients with severe kidney disease. It helps remove waste products and excess fluids from the blood when the kidneys can no longer do this naturally. Our acute dialysis services ensure immediate care for patients in critical condition, while our pre-dialysis education program empowers patients with knowledge about the process, aiming to reduce anxiety and promote better outcomes.

We also offer treatment for a variety of other fluid, electrolyte, and kidney disorders. These conditions can disrupt the balance of bodily fluids and essential minerals in your body, leading to various health complications. Our nephrologists are trained to diagnose these conditions accurately and provide effective treatment plans.

Comprehensive Care to Promote Health and Wellness

At KDMC, we believe in the power of preventive care. We provide hypertension care and management services to help patients control their blood pressure levels – a crucial step in preventing kidney disease.

Our preventive care also extends to nutrition counseling, where we guide patients on dietary changes, especially those with diabetes. Contrary to popular belief, having diabetes does not mean giving up all your favorite foods – our nutrition counseling services aim to show patients how they can enjoy a balanced diet while managing their health effectively.

Our nephrologists are committed to providing the best possible patient experience. At KDMC, you are more than just a patient – that’s why we strive to create a comfortable and supportive environment where you can receive the care you need.

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